In a blog posted by Ms. Cherish Morgan titled Agreement with being progressive. I posted the following:
Although I enjoy readying your blogs I would have to disagree with this idea. As stated by Mr. Boddy T., a graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and many other doctors and scientist state "Although legalization activists and many marijuana users believe smoking pot has no negative effects, scientific research indicates that marijuana use can cause many different health problems." There are way too many negative things that marijuana can cause to your body and those around you, I say this because I have taken classes on the affects of different narcotics. It may not be the worst thing out there to do but as a whole we do not need to legalize another substance that can create a negative affect in society. We already have too many people dying from cigarets and alcohol that we do not need to add another substance to this list. There for I do not agree this would be a good idea.
A large amount of the money made for the state is created by taxes as stated in class. With so many consumers going to online purchases now a days really hurts these sales taxes with local businesses. I would think adding taxes across the board to all online sales would bring customers back to purchasing items at their local stores or retailers that it would in turn bring back money back into the state with out the negative affects that would come from legalizing marijuana. I could be completely wrong but this is just one idea of many others that could help our economy.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Republicans this Republicans that
In an blog posted by Mr. Todd Hill in the Burnt Orange Report states that Mr. Jim Pitts made a blunt statement stating “we will have to throw some people out in the street.” Referring to having to opt out of the federal Medicaid program. This would be one of the “cuts” that would come in play to make up for the large gap that we have.
I don’t like the fact that he keeps stating Republican this and Republican that ok so he’s made the point that he is not a Republican. The truth of the matter is he him self understands already (Todd Hill) that this was going to happen. It’s not a question of “if its going to happen?” but “when and how much?” Because Republicans have been running the show for quite some time now there has to be someone to point the finger at, keep in mind Republicans are not the only ones that enjoyed the ride while it was all nice, easy, and a bed of roses. My point here is if your not a Republican in stead of bashing here and there about how bad a job they have done and how bad this and how bad that, please enlighten us with ideas that you might have to better this problem and stop pointing fingers. Trust me I hate that they would have to make these drastic changes and they may by all means not have the correct way of closing this gap but if no one is giving a good solution for it than its going to be done as they say.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Electoral Soap Opera
After reading a blog by one of my colleges blogs by Ms. Cherish Morgan titled Stop Harassing My Ears! and I have to say she has hit the nail on the head. I agree with her 100%. We do have some different views on things a seen on previous post but she has a great point. All of the time you see politicians wasting time "valuable air time" bashing each other in the race to win the seat. It would be nice for them to inform us of the good they have done or will do. More of the positive things they have to offer us with in their terms in office.
Most people get their news from the telly, and if this is what they have to offer than what good information does the public have to go off of? I believe we would be better educated in who we elect as our representatives if they gave use better informative commercial spots instead of watching this electoral soap opera.
Most people get their news from the telly, and if this is what they have to offer than what good information does the public have to go off of? I believe we would be better educated in who we elect as our representatives if they gave use better informative commercial spots instead of watching this electoral soap opera.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Who's paying for the 25 billion?
Well as the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger and now to 25 billion into the hole we start worrying about how we're going to have to make up for this. It is unfortunate that on the top of this list is budget cuts on education.
Texas has had major budget crises in the past but not as bad as this. Back in the late 1980's, 1991, and 2003. Never in the past major crises have we cut state funding of public schools. All these politicians talk about how important education is and how that is one of the major focuses and well once again its the major focus but in a bad way. I am certain that there are many other places where they can cut from to make up for this gap. In my point of view education and law enforcement jobs should be the very last places where we should do any kind of down sizing. We should really think of starting from the top.
There are plenty of places on the top of the totem pole where we can start cutting. I know I've stated in the past about the governors mansion and how it deserves to be taken care of and it does cost a lot to maintain but I am sure there is places that they can save money on and find lower bids. Im not too certain where and how much we can cut from but what I'm trying to get across here is that education should be the very last place to do any kind of down sizing.
Texas has had major budget crises in the past but not as bad as this. Back in the late 1980's, 1991, and 2003. Never in the past major crises have we cut state funding of public schools. All these politicians talk about how important education is and how that is one of the major focuses and well once again its the major focus but in a bad way. I am certain that there are many other places where they can cut from to make up for this gap. In my point of view education and law enforcement jobs should be the very last places where we should do any kind of down sizing. We should really think of starting from the top.
There are plenty of places on the top of the totem pole where we can start cutting. I know I've stated in the past about the governors mansion and how it deserves to be taken care of and it does cost a lot to maintain but I am sure there is places that they can save money on and find lower bids. Im not too certain where and how much we can cut from but what I'm trying to get across here is that education should be the very last place to do any kind of down sizing.
Monday, October 18, 2010
All eyes on Perry
As the end gets closer the more the bashing between candidates gets sillier and sillier. I was visiting a blog in Burnt Orange Report and ran across that some blogs posted by Mr. Phillip Martin. I've read a few of his blogs and it seems he is more on the Democrat side of things. If his blogs mention Rick Perry in them usually its something negative. In a blog posted a few days about titled Rick Perry Rap Video: "Spending All the Taxpayer's Money On My Mansion" there is a very lyrically repetitive song which features Mr. Rick Perry as a rapper flaunting how much money he spends on his mansion. I thought it was very funny but truly useless information in my opinion. He mentions how Mr. Perry spends 10K a months for rent on his mansion, I really don't see what the big deal is with that. He is the governor of Texas ladies and gentlemen. He deserves to live in something nice, and to tell you the truth 10k a months is not that much money. "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR." I liked one of the comments left on his page about Sen. Rodney Ellis and Sen. Carlos Uresti and how they each have 3 district offices fully staffed. That alone surpasses the money being spent for Mr. Rick Perry's mansion. I really do think they need to lay off on the money spent on the governors mansion its symbolic and a historical part of Texas government. But for kicks and giggles here is the video enjoy. Rick Perry - "Money On My Mansion"
Sunday, October 3, 2010
In the lead once again
I've been snooping around for some of the information on the polls and I have ran into a few of them mentioning that Mr. Perry refuses to debate with Mr. White. In an article in the Austin American Statesman posted by the Editorial Board of the Statesman, they seem to be a bit upset at the fact that Mr. Perry will not debate Mr. White. I believe with all the negative news that we received about Mr. Perry it is in his best interest to not debate Mr. White, I do think Mr. Perry and his political advisors are very good at what they do to gain control of these polls. As well you will come to see how they mention that he never states anything negative about Mr. White. I think this another good approach at making him seem like he is running a positive campaign even though he leaves the dirty work to his staff leaving his hands clean of all the bashing. If you are such a "BAD" governor as they say you are and people state all of the obvious and you still get re-elected than you deserve it. This is another very good point why I think it is very important for citizens of their state to be more familiar about their local government.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Texas education funding by federal government DENIED
It seems from my understanding that the federal government has denied Texas an education fund allocated to education across the nation. States had to submit an application to get part of a 10 billion dollar budget that was set aside for education by Congress. Texas submitted an application for 830 million. Then was denied because our fearless leader and governor Rick Perry could not commit that education spending would stay consistent for the following 3 years. I ask my self the question "Why not?" and "Who ells is reaching into the cookie jar?". Now Mr. Perry and Mr. Doggett are pointing fingers at each other playing the blame game. There were a few districts that were not depending on this federal funding (one of them being AISD) but as stated in the The Austin Chronicle they did have an outline for this funding. Never the less this had a major impact on other school districts that were depending on this education fund. All in all the bottom line is that this will affect the children more than anyone ells. They state that this is not permanent and that we can still get this money but we wouldn't get a penny until fiscal year of 2012. If thats the case its just as bad as not getting it period. Theres nothing that can be done at this point other than to try and get the funds in fiscal year of 2012, and because of that I strongly believe some one needs to be held accountable.
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